Neural networks and
population coding

Daniel Fürth
Assistant professor
SciLifeLab/Uppsala University


🧠 Topics

  • 📡🖇 Networks and population coding

  • 🛠🧰 Methods for large-scale neuroscience


🥁 Rate coding

Edgar Adrian and Yngve Zotterman.

🥁 Rate coding

A Logical Calculus of Ideas Immanent in Nervous Activity

Warren McCulloch (MIT)

Walter Pitts (MIT)

McCulloch-Pitts model

🧠 Perceptron

What the Frog’s Eye Tells the Frog’s Brain

What the Frog’s Eye Tells the Frog’s Brain

Retinal ganglion cells in the frog’s eye are specialized to detect specific types of visual information:

  • movement
  • contrast
  • light intensity

Features, rather than forming a complete image by representing parts of the image.

Neural coding

  • Rate coding

  • Temporal coding

  • Population coding

Tuning curves

Temporal code

Population coding

Population coding

Recording multiple neurons at the same time

For updated list:


Detecting individual neurons through their spike shape

Spike sorting

Spike sorting is the process of isolating and classifying electrical signals from individual neurons recorded by electrodes, enabling the analysis of neural activity at the single-cell level.

Calcium imaging: Genetically encoded calcium indicators

  • genetically encoded calcium indicator (GECI)
    • 🟢 green fluorescent protein (GFP)
    • 🔵 calmodulin (CaM), a calcium-binding messenger protein
    • 🟠 M13, a peptide sequence from myosin light-chain kinase.

Direction sensitivity in vision cortex

Direction sensitivity in vision cortex

Direction sensitivity in vision cortex